"Favor" is a cosy well designed space in the centre of Moscow. It is suitable for business and educational events: lectures, trainings, "masterminds", presentations, as well as photo and video shootings of any events.
The stage with transformable space can accommodate concerts, business and educational events. The hall's capacity is up to 80 guests. Its area stands at 250 square meters with two zones.

    • two halls 80 m2
    • capacity 140 people
    • projector with wide screens (3 m)
    • built-in audio system
    • WiFi
    • 2 flipcharts
    • directional light
    • 100 chairs
    • 8 prefabricated tables
    • separate wardrobe
    • historical building
    • beautiful interior
    • brickwork
    the ability to record audio and video is paid separately
    the work of the site employee is paid separately
Sergey Popov
The founder of the Reditus community
We have launched the project "It's not about money", within the framework of which we organise business-breakfasts with major entrepreneurs and top managers.

At the meetings we socialise, share experience and adopt best practices of a conscious approach to business.

When you thinking about a place to hold breakfasts in a such format, we need not just a restaurant, but a space where we could communicate on philosophical and spiritual topics in a cosy atmosphere.

In this context, Favor is the perfect place.

We constantly receive positive feedback from our guests about the pleasant atmosphere.

The location and minute accessibility from the metro, as well as the constructive and friendly attitude of the venue's representatives, are also worth mentioning.
Armen Popov
General manager of ANO CRSP - "Centre for Development of Social Projects"
In October 2022, in the Favor place, our big flm crew made a professional filming of the competition with TV broadcasting.

I would like to note that the venue provided quality management and support throughout the filming day. All technical requests were met and fulfilled. The site is surprisingly adaptable for different formats of events, including those with a large amount of equipment.

The coffee shop on the site allowed us to spend a full working day without interruptions and with pleasure.

We thank Favor for professionalism, aesthetics and quality.
To Art
creative and educational community
We are very happy to be able to write thankful words to the venue and its organisers. Since the first days of our existence, Favor has been a favourite meeting place for all our participants. We have held here chamber events for children and teenagers, large-scale lectures, charity events, exhibitions and film screenings. It is always very cosy and joyful, and, in terms of the administration of the meetings - at the most professional level. We sincerely thank you and look forward to further co-operation.
Anastasia Kuznetsova
Presenter of meetings "ChelovekI"
It hasn't been a year since I discovered the Favor place.

An amazing coincidence - God's Providence!
The first hero of our creative meetings for children and youth "ChelovekI" was the hero of Russia, cosmonaut Sergey Ryzhikov. His call sign, no more and no less, is "Favor".
That's how our strong friendship began.

"Favor" is cosy, very conveniently located, in the heart of the capital of our Motherland, next door to the beautiful Nikola Church in Klenniki, where the relics of Saint Righteous Alexei Mechev rest. The people who work in "Favor" and help me in organising our events are just like any other: friendly and competent.

The other day we held another meeting "Man and Theatre", everything went just fine.

My heartfelt thanks to everyone involved in the Favour space. God bless your good endeavours. Sincerely, Anastasia Kuznetsova.
+7 (925) 672 85 97 (Yaroslav)
Moscow, Myasnitskaya st, vl. 24/7, b. 2 (entrance from the yard)
All photos and video materials belong to their owners and are used solely for demonstration purposes. Please do not use them for commercial purposes.
Moscow, Myasnitskaya st., 24/7, b. 2 (entrance from the yard)

email: favor@favorplace.ru
Autonomous non-profit organization "Center for Social Initiatives "Favor"
Tax Identification Number (INN) 7730275184
Primary state registration number (OGRN) 407703810000000724129
© 2020 - 2024 FAVOR. Events for active Orthodox laity
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