Платформа для поиска и реализации призваний деятельных православных христиан.
Открытая православная площадка для социальных и просветительских проектов
Director of the educational programs
Manager of educational programs
Event & smm manager
Technical manager
A very pleasant place. I've been here many times. My friend organizes various charity events here in support of the children from the House. The last time we played a quiz game here, the funds from which were given to the House.

A lovely venue in the centre of the city. Wonderful, chamber and informative events. A special atmosphere, you fall out of the hustle and bustle of the city, immersing yourself in the world of art. Thank you to all the organizers.
Interesting and sincere meetings are in Favor. Thanks a lot to the organizers. I recommend you to visit.

I've loved this place for two years now. A wonderful cozy and beautiful space where you can have a cup of coffee, buy an interesting book, but the main thing is the most interesting meetings on the topics of Christian life and not only. Orthodoxy is modern!
It's a very soulful place. With good books. With deep events. I recommend.
I forgot to thank the organizers during the meeting: it is the anniversary year since the death of the righteous Alexei and it is very important that your meeting was right now! We have had similar meetings at different venues on several occasions and it is great that Favor also remembers the anniversary year of Father Alexy. Thanks!!!
Business coach, TEFI laureate, teacher of educational programs of the Favor community
Thank you!! For warmth, for opportunity, for faith)
Guest of the cultural center "Favor"
I thank the organizers and participants of the presentation Lyzlov, Egorov and Uskova for a very interesting, relevant and lively meeting "Suffering" is just the key element through which you comprehend a lot, if not everything, I would like to wish you continued conversation on this topic, thank you!
Participant of events
The Tabor space turned out to be the place that I sorely missed. A cozy, welcoming atmosphere, friendly hosts and guests, interesting meetings and conversations on a variety of topics. Here you can really listen to different opinions on the most important and profound issues — how we see God and what he wants from us, how to live life correctly, what to do in difficult situations, how to raise children, what art is and how to look at it. And all this is viewed from the point of view of a Christian, and besides, deeply, vividly, unpretentiously and sincerely. After the first event that I attended here, my calendar began to fill up quickly with new and new events in the Tabor space. Over the past few months, rarely a week has passed without me visiting this cozy place on Maroseika. I come here to listen to interesting lectures, and my nine-year-old son attends book club meetings here. Thanks to all those involved and not indifferent to this good cause!
Participant of the author's lecture by Sergey Komarov
Father Oleg! Dear Tabor, you have such speakers that you need to live in the next house, otherwise you have to lick your lips and be happy for those present!
Once again, sitting at the windowsill, with a glass of delicious sea buckthorn tea, looking at the street, I think - it's not the Moscow landscape at all ... only the top of the church in the distance brings back to reality. 7 Maroseika, Tabor space.

He is a little over a year old, but it seems that it has always been there. Somehow miraculously, in the very center of Moscow, an island of wisdom and tranquility was suddenly born, I want to return here, I want to be here.
Lecture hall listener
Many thanks to Father Dmitry and Peter Dmitrievsky for a meaningful, useful lecture. I regretted that I did not take notes (so much wisdom )
Participant of an interactive meeting with Yanni Rolansky
Yesterday we were in class with Yanni, I really liked it 🥰 thank you 🙏 I would really like more family events - joint for parents and children of different ages 🙏🙏🙏
A member of the film club "Favor"
t has a very cool format and an incredible Yanni. So incendiary, so sincere and with great interest, she knows how to "include" children in the discussion. She feels the general mood of the children very well, adjusts instantly if the children get tired or get lost in the answers. What is es pecially pleasant, She gave everyone a chance to speak out, despite the fact that there were quite a lot of children, but somehow surprisingly everyone had enough attention. It was clear that the children felt important and valuable to Yanni. My children were delighted, because they themselves, thanks to the task with the drawings, were able to draw a conclusion about how and why the main character Edmund changed. And they really liked the task where they had to remember which fairy tales the author took the characters from. (Now we've decided to reread them all).

I would really like to make such meetings permanent, at least once a month. We would love to buy a subscription and invite friends. An ideal format for family leisure. And the joy and benefit of ❤
On June 25, I graduated from the educational intensive for leaders of social and charitable Orthodox projects "School of Do-gooders"🙌

It was not easy for me to find evenings for training, especially considering that we had two premieres during the intensive... but! It was worth it.

Classes were held on Thursdays. Every Thursday could be called in the calendar "Now it's clear how to work" or "how not to work"... or "I don't know how to do it, but I definitely won't do it like before"!

Journalists, coaches, university rectors, mayors, politicians, corporate directors, fund managers, bishops... all these people told us about their mistakes and victories. They simply and honestly shared the secrets of success and the wisdom of defeats.

The 12-week training was like one day! My graduation work was dedicated to the teenage club "99 sheep" 💛

And people! It was such a joy to study with colleagues! New acquaintances and a special warmth from communicating with well-known people 💫

Thank you, TABOR! For such a great opportunity!

Special thanks to the mentors of the "School of Do-gooders" Nikolai Breev, Father Anthony Borisov, Elena Fedosova, Vasily Rulinsky and other wonderful people!

Guest of the Tabor lecture hall
Thank you very much to the Tabor space for organizing lectures as part of the collaboration with the PSU "The Era of Change – time to study theology".

The first lecture was about the Book of Job, led by Peter Malkov. I really liked it, Peter Yurievich knows how to explain complex things in simple language and even with humor. It's so cool that the lectures are completely open, and the speakers are the best theology teachers. A great opportunity for many to start finding answers to questions with strong mentors. And she made a lot of new discoveries for herself, and most importantly, she left inspired and waiting for new meetings.
The School of Do-gooders, what is it? When I heard this name for the first time, I was a little touched, it sounded very cozy and a little childish.

The first time I found myself in the Tabor space was in the spring of 2021, it was then that the School of Do-Gooders was launched.

We passed the microphone to each other, got to know each other and were visibly worried.

I don't know about the others, I am for sure. How will I be taught to do good? Is it even possible to teach this person? And what level of kindness do I have, and what if it's very small for such a serious place and such wonderful people? There were more questions than answers. But the amazing Father Anthony Borisov, with his tact and humor, dispelled all doubts. The soul of the School, there is no other way to call it.

Then there was a series of amazing speakers, each of whom brought a unique flavor to the training, giving unique knowledge that began to open those doors that seemed unimportant and insignificant yesterday, but the narrowest doors lead the most correct way. The main thing is to see her. And we searched together.

What can I say? The knowledge that is given in a school with a cozy and slightly childish name by Do-gooders is very important, making you move, search, think, develop, they
do not teach good at School, but is it possible to teach this? At school they teach how you can help even more people without burning out yourself, they give you a lot of new tools that have always served business, but the time has come for charity, at School you find new friends, realizing that only by walking the path of goodness you can be happy.

I want to say a huge thank you to the organizers and ideological inspirers of the School of Do-Gooders, this is a real diamond in the crown of the Tabor space, a very great gift to learn from the best!

A regular guest of Favor
I have been familiar with Favor since December 2020, and the space has become a real discovery for me. "Favor" positions itself as a space of meanings, and this is a very suitable definition for it.

A lively direct dialogue between the Church represented by the clergy and its people became possible at the Tabor venues. Thanks to the events held by the forces of the leadership of Favor, many Muscovites and guests of the capital (I have met with participants from faraway Siberia and closer places) There was an opportunity to communicate personally with famous priests, theologians, philologists and other famous persons of the Church.
Moscow, Myasnitskaya st., 24/7, b. 2 (entrance from the yard)

Autonomous non-profit organization "Center for Social Initiatives "Favor"
Tax Identification Number (INN) 7730275184
Primary state registration number (OGRN) 407703810000000724129
© 2020 - 2024 FAVOR. Events for active Orthodox laity
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